Posts with the category “daily-devotional”

The Peace of God
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 9th, 2025
Philippians 4:7 speaks of the "peace of God, which surpasses all understanding"—an inner tranquility that rules our hearts. But this peace doesn't just come out of nowhere. To experience the peace of God, we must first have peace with God. Without reconciliation through Jesus Christ, the foundation for peace is missing.Imagine looking at a calm ocean or a serene lake. The surface is peaceful, but ...  Read More
The Promise of Peace
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 8th, 2025
Jesus assures us that despite the troubles of the world, we can experience peace in Him. “In Me, you may have peace. In the world, you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of God in the midst of it.The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to send, gives us the peace that transcends circumstances. When we face...  Read More
Overcoming the World
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 7th, 2025
In John 16:33, Jesus says, “I have overcome the world.” This statement is both a declaration of His victory and a promise to us. Jesus didn’t just survive the trials of life—He overcame them. His victory is our victory, and through Him, we can face any challenge, knowing that we are more than conquerors in Christ.The world, with all its temptations, struggles, and obstacles, can feel overwhelming ...  Read More
Resurrection and Ascension
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 6th, 2025
In John 16:28, Jesus says, “I’m going to the Father.” His ascension into heaven is not the end of the story, but the confirmation that the work He began on earth has been completed. Through His death, resurrection, and now His ascension, Jesus has secured victory over sin and death for all who believe in Him.The resurrection assures us that Jesus is alive, and the ascension shows us that He reigns...  Read More
Jesus Died for Our Sins
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 5th, 2025
The culmination of Jesus' mission was the cross. As He says in John 16:28, “Now I am leaving the world.” His departure signifies not just the end of His earthly ministry, but the moment He would lay down His life for us. Jesus came to die—to bear the weight of our sin and the punishment we deserved.The cross is the ultimate demonstration of God's love for us. Jesus took on all the brokenness of th...  Read More
The Incarnation—God With Us
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 4th, 2025
John 16:28 also states, “I have come into the world.” The incarnation—God taking on flesh and becoming man—was a pivotal moment in history. Jesus, the eternal Word, became one of us to live, suffer, and die for us. God didn’t remain distant in the heavens buy entered into our world of pain, suffering, and sin.Why is this so important? It means that Jesus understands us deeply. He has experienced o...  Read More
The Deity of Christ
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 3rd, 2025
Jesus begins by declaring His divine origin in John 16:28: “I came from the Father.” This simple statement carries profound significance. Jesus is not just a man or a teacher; He is God, the eternal Son, coming from the Father to dwell among us. This truth forms the bedrock of the gospel—the incarnation.Jesus didn’t come simply to teach or to heal. He came to reveal the heart of God to us, to show...  Read More
The Power of Truth
by Dr. Dwayne Mercer on March 2nd, 2025
In a world where "my truth" is often claimed as the ultimate authority, we are called to ahigher standard. Jesus warns us about replacing truth with personal preference.Relativism, the idea that truth is subjective, may be popular in society today, but it’s a liethat’s been debunked throughout history. Jesus presents a different reality: “My word istruth” (John 17:17).The Word of God is not just a...  Read More